Monday, January 12, 2009

Zone-ing Out

I started trying to "eat better" about 15 years ago. That day I was sitting in band class (trumpet, first or second chair depending on the day and how much Chad or Celestine were on their game) and noticed my upper thigh area poking out on both sides of my shorts. The tops of my legs were overflowing the sides of my chair and that was the first time I ever really thought I might need to eat better. I wasn't a fat girl, but I learned early in life how to put away Swiss Cake Rolls, Oreos and all types of candy bar delicacies. Every day after school I purchased a snack from the vending machine - an oasis of nutrition preserved so well I know it's still with me and always will be.

That "eating better" has carried me to where I am today. Looking up Zone recipes and trying to demystify my ever-present sweet tooth by tricking her with low calorie snacks or even tea when she flares up every afternoon. I don't believe in diets, but this Zone animal makes a lot of sense and really is just "eating better."

As I type this, I'm thinking about the dark chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter icing (all homeade) I'm making tomorrow night in preparation for game night with the neighbors. I'd punch someone in the face for one right now (not originally my quote) and cannot wait to lick the bowl. Seriously, these are the things I think about. As long as my thighs aren't hanging out of my shorts or within my peripheral vision looking down over my trumpet, I will not deny my sweet tooth the pleasure. Zone-ing out for now...

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