Sunday, October 16, 2011

Adult Braces & Other Pretty Things

I got Invisalign a week ago. They are the equivalent of retainers that you wear ALL DAY. Yes, they say optimal wear is 22 hours a day....well, I eat for longer than two hours a day. And, with the Halloween candy season upon us (which, if you know me at all, you know October is like my Superbowl) these retainers are really cramping my snacking style. Regardless, I made the commitment for "six to nine months" and being only a week in feel it's a little premature to begin any kind of countdown. Given I've been through braces already when I was in middle school, and the look was much more age-appropriate, it is really dumb that I'm going through it again. When I think about all the things my parents already did to ensure I didn't have a mangled smile, and I let my teeth go all sideways again. Six years of expanders, braces, rubber bands, retainers and even oral surgery to remove extra teeth. Yes, extra teeth. I'm weird. The retainers may not make me feel pretty, but it's a means to an end. Like so many other things in my life right now. I'm still working on the last 10 pounds of pregnancy weight. Breastfeeding my sweet 7-month-old, and therefore pumping while at work. There isn't anything in the world that makes you feel as unattractive as hooking a pump up to your chest. Finally, after a bad pedicure several months ago, I have an ingrown toenail that's going to be removed later this week. I'm petrified, and it's not going to be pretty. So, the other day when my boss told me, "I really like your lisp," instead of getting teary (apparently I have to cry out any remaining pregnancy hormones) I just laughed with him and remembered it's not forever. I can do anything for six to nine months.

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