Saturday, January 2, 2010


The beginning of a new year has always been exciting to me. I switch out the toothbrush, clean out the closet and start fresh. Ok, exciting may have been an overstatement. However, resolutions are always something I've taken seriously. I like this guy's approach - where he does three goals and just has words to define them.

I usually list mine in a journal I've kept since 1998 - not daily or anything - and like to look back and see what I stuck with, accomplished or failed miserably at. That last one is always really nice.

So, here are a few of my resolutions for 2010 in case you'd like to hold me to them or just point and laugh when you see me breaking one. Either way, I still have my new toothbrush.

1. Play - This means trying new (fun) things and learning a few new games. For example, chess. Sudoku. I'm trying to work that "other" side of my brain that doesn't really get a lot of action.

2. Shoot - I'm petrified of guns, so I'm going to a range to learn how to shoot. Yes, I'll be wearing my protective goggles and earplugs.

3. Capitals - Learn all 50 state capitals. Lewis Grizzard knew them all - as I'm sure many other people do - and I just think that's cool.

4. Run Less - I took a break from running while getting a lower back injury "fixed" in 2009 and it felt great. My back has never felt better, however my waistline is another story. So, I'm going to find other (fun) ways to exercise. Skiing anyone?

5. Get Dirty - This has double-meaning. I'm a bit of a neat freak, so I'm going to back off. If you visit my house in 2010, please refer to this resolution before entering. Also, I'm going to learn more about landscaping/gardening so my yard can get a much-needed facelift. This could get really dirty.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should break your running resolution! You also should resolve to blog more!!
